Wednesday 22 June 2011

Perempuan Vs Lelaki a.k.a Bluetooth Vs Wi-fi

Haiikkk... Tengok title pon dah tak boleh blah.. Perempuan disame kan dgn bluetooth n lelaki same dgn wifi?? Ape kaitan nyer pulak ni kan.. Huhu.. Kaitan nyer cmnie....

"A GIRL is like bluetooth , when you are next to her, she stays connected.. When you go away, she finds new device.. A BOY, however, is like wi-fi, many devices can connect to him as long as he is not secured..!"

Ahaaa.. Stuju x?? Mule mule aku tengok pon, aku rase klakar jugak.. Tpi bile pikir pikir balik, mmg betoi pon.. Sgt logik! :D
Saper la yg bijak bestari leh kaitkan bluetooth wifi ape smue nie ( yg pasti bukan aku la.. =.=" ) Hahaha..

Mane aku dpt ayat nie rahsie la.. Hehe.. ;p

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Pertama Kali Ku.. :D

Halu halu..! Assalamualaikum to all readers.. Ini first time aku tulis for my blog.. Sedikit excited.. Ayat memang aku saje tulis skema-skema.. Bagi semua orang paham yek.. Takde ape nak tulis ekceli.. Just nak introduce my new blog.. Okeh okeh, ekceli dulu aku dh ade blog daa.. But dah lame tak update, paswed pon dh lupe :p
So, abaikan je la blog lame tu.. Aku wat yg baru ni sb most of my friends have their own blog.. So, aku pon sedikit jeles, aku pun wat la jgak blog yang tak seberape ni.. Haha.. :D
And now, terhasil lah.. Dah la aku takde akaun google, kne wat pulak.. Hmm, sabor aje laa..